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  3. How can I clear the Turing Tests?

How do I take the tech stack tests?

You can find the tech stack tests in the Quizzes section of your Turing Developer Portal HomePage. Let’s take a look at how you can take them.

Tech Stack Tests

You will be able to see tech stack tests for the tech stacks you selected during your profile setup. For example, if you selected React and Python, your screen would look like this:


Picture 1: Tech Stack Tests in Turing Quizzes section

The time required for each tech stack test varies from skill to skill. In the example above, the tech stack tests will last for 40 minutes, 45 minutes, and 45 minutes, respectively. These numbers may vary depending on the number of stacks you selected as well.

Click on the Start Quiz button under the tech stack you want to test for. You will see a pop-up window where you can read the summary and click on Start Quiz to begin your multiple-choice test.


Picture 2: Tech Stack Tests pop-up (based on the test you select)

You will then be directed to the Multiple Choice Quizzes test screen, which will be similar to the Work Experience Survey screen.

Once you’re done with the questions, click on the Finish button in the top-right corner and share your feedback.