How can I take the Turing Web Front-End Practical Test?

What is Turing’s Web Front-End Practical Test and why do I need to take it?

The Turing Web Front-End Practical test is a simple way to evaluate your proficiency in building web applications using the React JavaScript library.

This test requires you to complete a set of coding and debugging tasks, the difficulty of which will depend on your (selected) experience. 

The purpose of the practical test is to assess your knowledge of React and your ability to apply it to real-world scenarios. 

1. After you start the challenge, the Initial page should look like this:


2. If you don't see the terminal window Ctrl + ` (Control + backtick) to open up the terminal.


3. To set up the environment, run the following commands. You can also find them at the bottom of the requirements. 
  • cd task/
  • npm install
  • npm start

(The screenshot below is an example. The actual screenshot might look different)


4. The server is set up and running after you see the success message. 

(The screenshot below is an example. The actual screenshot might look different)


5. After seeing the message in step 4, you can click on the "Copy Preview Url" button  on the top right corner. 


6. Open up a new tab in the browser, visit the URL you copied. The initial page should look like this. 


7. Now the project is set up. Read the requirements on the left panel, and get started!