Whats the Turing Profile and How to complete it?

Building your Turing Resume. Every detail you provide on our platform shapes your profile in our Intelligent Talent Cloud and defines your Matching possibilities.

A competitive resume will make you stand out from the crowd and is one of the key factors that drive matching success. Turing’s Profile Enhancement Team helps developers like you, create a stunning impact on Turing’s U.S. clients and partner companies, by upgrading their resumes according to the market standards.

To elaborate and state your work experience, Turing integrated a resume builder designed to intelligently arrange your skills, experiences, and past projects chronologically so that most hiring managers capture your best potential when scanning resumes.  However, there’s still a lot that you can do to catch their eyes in a few seconds:  Use bullets or sentences that start with action verbs. Share about your role, experience, and performance in the team. Exemplify hard skills in your hands-on contribution to the projects. We want to know what tech you used and for what. Problem-solving situations, and so on.  Use metrics that show impact as the outcome of your project. We want ROI, working links, and screenshots of the product.  

Building your Turing Resume

As you start editing your profile, you will see that your resume contents have already been organized and arranged professionally. However, we will still need more context and information from you. You can just follow these simple steps to polish and finalize your Turing Profile.

Step 1:  Find the Resume Builder in the Turing Profile section of your dashboard.



Picture 1: Turing resume builder

Turing’s matching engine will present some required actions in your profile in this step. Completing these items will help you get matched with leading U.S. companies faster.

A standard Turing resume should: Include 3+ hands-on projects which you worked on using your tested skills - briefly explaining how you have used them for each project Be around 500+ words - make sure your resume has a great volume of relevant information Back up 3+ years of professional hands-on experience  When it comes to the project, it will have three different parts →  experiences, outcome, and skills. You will also have a section to add your screenshots and skills that you used on the specific projects.   

Don't: Skip or ignore your confidential projects (NDA projects). Do not disclose any sensitive information or upload personal photos.  

Do: Focus on the kind of product you developed and the technology you used for it Write about your responsibilities and skills implemented in its development Upload app links  Include screenshots of the products   Now, your next employer will know that you do not only have good test scores, but you also have a solid background doing what they are hiring you to do.

Step 2:  Update your “Personal Information” and “Work History” sections.

Start with a professional summary. Keep the summary short and precise, preferably

within 3–5 sentences. For the “Personal Information” section, be sure to include:

  • Your specialization
  • Years of experience
  • Best skills and stack(s)
  • Favorite products and industries
  • A nice profile picture

While detailing your work experience, be sure to include:

  • Your current role
  • Hiring company or freelance experience
  • Years of experience
  • Employment type



Picture 2: Work history section of the resume builder

Step 3:  Post your best projects. 

Share a summary of the projects that you’ve worked on in your career. While describing your projects, keep it simple and objective, so clients get to know you better.

Highlight the three best hands-on projects you have developed:

  • Focus on your latest work, your contribution, and role in the project.
  • Detail the skills for which you have taken Turing tests!
  • Mention and tag at least 3 techs and skills you used on each project.

If you passed the test for a specific skill, you’ll be required to tag that skill in at least one project. This will let hiring managers identify where you’ve used the skills that they are hiring for.


Picture 3: Demonstration: How to edit your projects 

Describe your responsibilities and tasks in the project description, mentioning the technology or soft skill applied to achieve each accomplishment. Focus on the project development process instead of the project description, and try to avoid using the first person. Example: “Implemented high-quality code working on the system's back-end using Python and PostgreSQL as the database.”

Don’t forget to tag techs and skills corresponding to your previous employment, projects, and current expectations. This will help Turing’s AI-powered Talent Cloud match you with the best possible jobs.


Picture 4: Adding projects to your Turing profile

For the best outcome, use metrics to show the impact of your effort on the project’s success. Don’t forget to include relevant screenshots and valid links to your successful projects.

At any stage of your resume, you can consult how to continue by using the support features and help bars, which contain hints and examples!


 Picture 5: Add skills to your work history

Step 4:  Don’t forget to click that beautiful big button!


Double-check that you’ve filled out all the sections. After making any changes, click the most important button in the world—the Update Information button!

If you have any questions or need personalized assistance, please contact support@turing.com.